In this course, you will :
- Summarize the fundamentals of microservices, their benefits, and their differences from monolithic architectures.
- Explain the capabilities of service mesh, including Istio, why it is useful, and how it alleviates Microservices challenges.
- Explain how to deploy Microservices on OpenShift.
- Describe the capabilities and benefits of Function as a Service.
- Describe Serverless Computing and its growing importance for Cloud Native developers.
- Determine the characteristics of serverless.
- Create a serverless web application and deploy it as a microservice on Red Hat OpenShift as well as as static files on Cloud Object Storage.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction to Microservices
Twelve-Factor App
What are Microservices
Advantages of Microservices
Microservices and IBM Cloud
Lab: Modernize App Using Microservices
2. Introduction to Serverless
What is Serverless?
Serverless Pros and Cons
What is Function as a Service?
The Serverless Stack
Comparing the FaaS Model
Use Cases and Reference Architecture
Serverless and IBM Cloud
Lab: Hello World with Serverless
3. ORM: Microservices w/ Serverless
Create and Invoke Actions
Manage Action with Packages
Connect Actions to Event Sources
Expose Actions as APIs
IBM Cloud Code Engine
Lab: Serverless Web Application and API
4. OpenShift Essentials/Working with OpenShift and Istio
OpenShift Recap
Service Mesh and Istio
Istio and Microservices
How to Create and Deploy Microservices w/ OpenShift and Istio
Red Hat Marketplace
Lab: Deploying Microservices w/ OpenShift and Istio