In this course, you will :
- Learn everything there is to know about the Unity game engine.
- For c# scripting, we will use Visual Studio.
- To move the AI cars around the track, we will use C# scripting.
- There will also be animation in the game, for which I will teach you the fundamentals.
Syllabus :
1. Damaging our car through a health system.
- Making our own sound effects.
- Making our 321Go animation with sound.
- Fixing 321Go animation and adding lap counter.
- Adding engine sound FX to our car.
- Adding chalk path to the track.
2. Adding more features to our car.
- Adding skid sound to car.
- Fixing our skid sound.
- Adding a skid trail effect to the car.
- Coding our trail to work when we skid around corners
3. On to adding AI cars with features.
Adding the AI car pathway with code.