In this course, you will learn :
- To import a CSV or Excel file into a local dataset.
- Importing data from CSV and Excel files using a URL.
- To calculate the size of a dataset.
- To investigate a dataset's first and last records.
- To investigate the datatypes of a dataset's features.
- To search a dataset for missing data.
- To handle missing data in a dataset.
- To search a dataset for records with specific values.
- To filter records from a dataset using multiple filters.
- The use of conditions to filter records from a dataset.
- To sort items in ascending and descending order.
- To divide a dataset column.
- To combine data frames into a dataset.
- In a dataset, concatenate two columns into one column.
- To save a dataset in CSV or Excel format.
Syllabus :
- Reading Data
- Data Exploration
- Standardisation
- Syntax Errors
- Irrelevant Data
- Duplicates
- Missing Data
- Filtering
- Sorting
- Concatenation
- Outliers