In this course, you will learn :
- Backbone Concepts
- Introduction to RESTful APIs
- Models and their use in Backbone
- Collections and their use in Backbone
- Views in Backbone
- Routers and Web Apps
- Events and Event Handling
- Building Web Apps using Backbone - Best strategies
Syllabus :
1. Introduction to Backbone
- Installation and Configuration
2. Basic Backbone Concepts
- Introduction to Models
- Nodejs and RESTful APIs
- Validation
- Creation and Update
- Retreival and Deleletion
- Saving Models
3. Introduction to Collections
- Collections - Concepts
- Collections- Basics
- Collections- Usage
- Collections- Usage - Wrap Up
- Views in backbone
- Views in Action
- Views - Implementation
5. Routers
- Routers in Backbone
- Routers Implementation
- Routers Implementation Wrap Up
6. Events in Backbone
- Events
- Events Basics
- Events Implementation
7. Backbone Project
- Project Description
- Project Design
- Project Design Wrap Up
- Code Implementation
- Feature Check
- Project Checkup
- Project Checkup Wrap Up