In this course, you will learn:
- Make your websites dynamic and interactive with JavaScript! You will develop features and standalone applications.
- This module comprises projects that teach you how to modify the DOM, apply object-oriented programming principles, and retrieve real-world data using APIs.
1. Introduction
- How This Course Will Work
- A Quick Review
2. Organizing Your Javascript Code
- Organizing Your Javascript Code Introduction
- Objects and Object Constructors
- Project: Library
- Factory Functions and the Module Pattern
- Project: Tic Tac Toe
- Classes
- ES6 Modules
- Webpack
- Project: Restaurant Page
- OOP Principles
- Project: Todo List
3. JavaScript in the Real World
- Linting
- Dynamic User Interface Interactions
- Form Validation with JavaScript
- What is ES6?
4. Asynchronous JavaScript and APIs
- Asynchronous Code
- Working with APIs
- Async and Await
- Project: Weather App
5. Testing JavaScript
- Testing Basics
- Project: Testing Practice
- More Testing
- Project: Battleship