In this course, you will learn:
- Create a nice new (but little!) Symfony app that will impress your friends.
Install and browse the Symfony binaries to learn development skills.
Prepare PhpStorm and plugins for the best experience.
Learn about Symfony Flex and its "recipes" concept.
Install third-party packages and bundles.
Create routes and controllers (using PHP 8 characteristics!).
Bin/console utility.
Twig and templating.
The web debug toolbar provides amazing debugging capabilities at your fingers.
JavaScript and asset setup using Encore and Symfony UX.
Create a JSON API endpoint and call it via Ajax.
A glimpse at Symfony's most crucial component: services!
- Hello Symfony
- Meet our Tiny App
- Routes, Controllers & Responses
- Wildcard Routes
- Symfony Flex: Aliases, Packs & Recipes
- Flex Recipes
- Twig
- Twig Inheritance
- Profiler: Your Debugging Best Friend
- Assets, CSS, Images, etc
- Generate Urls & bin/console
- JSON API Endpoint
- Smart Routes: GET-only & Validate {Wildcards}
- Service Objects
- The Twig Service & Profiler for API Requests
- Setting up Webpack Encore
- Packaging JS and CSS with Encore
- Installing 3rd Party Code into our JS/CSS
- Stimulus: Sensible, Beautiful JavaScript
- Real-World Stimulus Example
- Turbo: Supercharge your App