In this course, you will learn:
- Installing Symfony
- Setting up the local environment
- Exploring the Symfony file structure
- Creating routes
- Sending parameters to a controller
- Creating templates with Twig
- Introduction
- What you should know
- Using the exercise files
- Project overview
- What is Symfony?
- Set up the local environment: Mac
- Set up your local environment: Windows
1. Get Started with Symfony
- Install Symfony
- Explore the Symfony file structure
2. Controllers in Symfony
- Controllers: What, why, and how?
- Create routes
- Send parameters to a controller
3. Views in Symfony
- Update routes
- Create templates with Twig, part 1
- Create templates with Twig, part 2
- Mockup data
- Challenge: Select a title
- Solution: Select a title
- Use forms, part 1
- Use forms, part 2
4. Data Modeling with Symfony
- Introduction to Doctrine
- Create the application models
- Structure the database
- Database relationships
- Insert data with Doctrine
- Select data with Doctrine
- Edit entities
- Work with relational data
- Debug the application
5. Taking Symfony Further
- Composer
- PHPUnit
- Log data
- Demo application deployment