In this course, you will :
Objectively assess the severity of a dog’s fighting based on a Fight:Bite ratio that examines actual damage done
Provide prognoses and accurate estimates of the time required to rehabilitate anti-social dogs
Administer a stress test to determine a dog’s level of anxiety and the source of that anxiety
Empower tug toys and kibble as very high value secondary reinforcers
Give representational feedback to a dog that is in a social setting
Use All-or-None Reward Training to decrease and eliminate reactivity and regain calmness, focus and control
Set up controlled classical conditioning scenarios
Block antisocial stimuli and signaling through the use of Come, Sit and Watch commands
Use Differential Classical Conditioning (DCC) to enable simultaneous Operant and Classical Conditioning without unintentionally reinforcing reactivity
Use the Jolly Routine for Classical Conditioning
Maintain a dog’s pro-social temperament throughout their entire life