In this course, you will :
- Learn the fundamentals of relational databases and Structured Query Language (SQL).
- Understand how to create, manage, and transform a MySQL data table.
- Learn how to make and use indexes to quickly access data in a database.
- Learn how to use SQL queries to filter, limit, group, and order a database.
- Learn how to use advanced SQL functions to merge multiple tables into a single database.
- Learn how to create, manage, sort, filter, and edit a MySQL database firsthand.
Syllabus :
1. Getting Started
- Introduction to Relational Database Management Systems
- Data Modeling
- Conceptual vs. Actual Model of a Database
2. Manage MySQL Server
- Get Started with the MySQL Server
- Communicate with the MySQL Server
3. Basic SQL Commands
- Introduction to SQL Commands
- Create and Select a Database
- Create TablesInsert Data into a Table
- Restricting the Specific Rows
- Deleting Rows from Tables
- Update Rows on a Table
- Retrieve Data Using the like Operator
4. Add Columns and Indexes
- Add a New ColumnIndexes
- Create an Index
- Remove an Index
- Unique IndexesSummary
5. Count and Sort Records
- Create Table Products
- Insert Product Data
- Sort Results
- Limit the Number of Resulting Records
6. Foreign Keys
- Create the orders Table
- Insert Data into the orders Table
- Unique Order Number
- Insert the Wrong Customer Id
- Create the order_items Table
- Visualize Relationships and a Multicolumn Unique Index
7. Joins, Left Joins And Subqueries
- Introduction to Joins
- Delete Unnecessary DataInsert Necessary Data
- Combine Data from Various Tables
- Joins with Aggregate Functions
- Left Joins
- Group-Based Aggregation