In this course, you will learn :
- write HTML code
- write CSS code
- combine HTML and CSS
- Create a web template
- Create a website
- Style a website
- Create an HTML5 form
Syllabus :
- Introduction to the course and what you will learn
- Web development Resources
- How to write HTML code setup
- HTML page structure
- HTML webpage template
- HTML Common HTML tags
- HTML list and Tables
- HTML images hyperlinks
- HTML common tags div span
- HTML add styling
- HTML form types and fields
- HTML5 structuring
- HTML bringing it all together as a template
- What is CSS and how to you use it
- Create CSS code
- CSS template example external CSS
- CSS selectors Divs Spans and colors
- CSS working with Text and wording
- CSS code examples
- CSS Box model
- How the box model works
- CSS management grouping nesting pseudo classes
- Working with Backgrounds
- CSS display property
- CSS Pseudo Elements
- Use CSS with HTML to create a web template
- CSS HTML web Template design explained
- Example CSS HTML template code