This course is open to students who have completed all eight Foundations of Teaching for Learning MOOC courses. It revisits previously covered topics and focuses on what it means to be a reflective practitioner. One of the great paradoxes of learning is that the more you know, the more you realise how little you know... and the more you want to know! This course provides an opportunity to deepen and broaden your professional knowledge. It allows you to participate in practical tasks and assessments that build on the knowledge and skills you gained in previous courses.
This course is for you if you have completed the eight courses, signed up for the Signature track, met all of the program's assessment requirements, and want to continue to build on your interests and achievements. There is enough challenge and scope for learners with prior teaching experience, but this course is also appropriate for less experienced learners who may lack teacher education or do not yet hold a teaching qualification.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction and Review phase
- Lecture
- 7 Key Ideas
- Reflection in Action
2. Practical Task Creation
- Kelburne Park: Two Teachers
- Alex Alexandrou
3. Evaluation phase
- During the courses, much has been said about feedback as a key aspect of learning. As a teacher, or simply as a social being, you have been giving feedback both formally and informally over the course of your life. You have also been on the receiving end of feedback, from family, friends, colleagues, and employers. However, you might not have been given feedback before in a context such as this, from fellow course members, and virtual rather than face to face.
4. Reflection-on-action phase
- Lesson Planning
- Portfolios