This course teaches you how to calculate the return on a portfolio of securities as well as quantify the portfolio's market risk, which is a critical skill for financial market analysts in banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, and other financial services and investment firms. Using the R programming language and Microsoft Open R and RStudio, you will calculate the market risk of stock portfolios using two main tools: Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES). To complete the course assignments, you must have a basic understanding of R programming.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction to R, Data Retrieval, and Return Calculation
- Introduction9m
- Retrieving Data from FRED
- Calculating Daily Returns
- Calculating Longer Returns
- A Simple Example
2. Risk Management under Normal Distributions
- Distribution of Returns
- Value-at-Risk (VaR)
- Expected Shortfall (ES)
- Using Simulation to Estimate VaR and ES
3. Risk Management under Non-normal Distributions
- Non-normal Distributions
- Student-t Distribution
- Rescaled t Distribution Model
- VaR and ES for Multi-day Horizon
4. Risk Management under Volatility Clustering
- Future vs Historical Distribution
- Volatility Clustering
- Estimation: rugarch Package
- GARCH(1,1) - t
- Diagnostic Tests
- Using the ugarchboot Function
- Using the ugarchroll Function