In this course,
- You will learn about detox and and the difference between home detox and medically monitored..
- You will learn about how nutrition plays a vital role in addiction and recovery..
- You will learn about fitness and how to incorporate a fitness plan into their recovery..
- You will learn about sleep, how to get a better night's sleep, and the importance of good sleep during recovery..
- You will learn about Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome and how to manager the symptoms..
- You will learn how psychological stress impacts recovery..
- You will learn about professional counseling and therapy..
- You will learn how to get through a crisis..
- You will learn about triggers and what to do if they feel triggered..
- You will learn about how spirituality can play a positive role during recovery..
- You will learn how to navigate family and friends during recovery..
- You will learn how to handle professional situations..
- You will learn what to do in specific living situations..
- Bonus: You will get access to our private Facebook group! Get extra and support and encouragement from other students as well!.