In this course, you will :
- introduce you to one of the most in-demand technologies today on a fundamental level
- Learn how to use Docker images and volumes, how to configure the Docker daemon and environment variables, how to forward ports inside a container, and much more.
- capable of working with Docker on a fundamental level and applying it to your projects
- Start, update, stop and manage Docker containers
Syllabus :
1. Getting acquainted with Docker
- History of virtualization
- What Docker has changed
- Namespaces & Cgroups
- Docker ecosystem
- Docker CE vs EE
- Docker installlation
- Docker Images
- Docker Containers
- Port Forwarding
- Docker volumes
- Docker logs
- Docker environment variables
2. Docker inside and out
- OCI: runc / lxc / rkt
- runC & containerd
- Docker socket API
- Docker daemon config
- Docker remote control
- Docker remote control mtls
- Docker CNM
- Internal Network Drivers
- External Drivers Overview
- Docker IPv6
- Docker host driver
- Docker bridge networking
- Docker port forwarding
- Docker multiple networks
3. Logging in Docker
- Docker logging architecture
- Docker logging drivers overview
- Docker logging opts json-file
- Docker modes
- Docker tags and labels
4. Docker images and volumes
- Image structure
- Copy on write
- Docker storage drivers
- Volumes overview
- Managing volumes
- Advanced voluming