In this course, you will learn :
- Determine the skill requirements for team leaders.
- Facilitate team leaders' learning opportunities in order to improve performance.
- Coach team leaders to help them gain confidence and develop skills.
Syllabus :
1. Conflict Management
- Teams and Conflict Management
- Conflict Management - Introduction
- Signs and Stages of Conflict Explained
- Signs and Stages of Conflict - A Simple Illustration & Review
- Conflict Resolution Strategies
- Engaging the Experts - Conflict Management
2. Barriers to communication
- Barriers to Communication - Introduction
- Barriers to Communication - Internal Barriers
- Barriers to Communication - External Barriers
- Barriers to Communication - Socio-Cultural Barriers
- Engaging the Experts - Barriers to Communication at Organisational Level
- Engaging the Experts - Barriers to Communication at Group Level
- Engaging the Experts - Barriers to Communication at Individual Level
3. Coaching and Mentoring
- Coaching and Mentoring Explained
- Coaching and Mentoring - Key Skills
- Engaging the Experts - Coaching and Mentoring
- Coaching - Evaluation