In this course, you will learn:
- Create a structure for what you're going to create. Identify a problem, investigate the opportunity area, and collect background information on the subject.
- Investigate the various levels in order to produce a product that is both durable and impactful. Design your infrastructure and make sure it's self-contained.
- Forecasting is the next step, which involves detecting trends, risks, opportunities, and drivers.
- Learn everything there is to know about your product's potential. To design a strategy for prospective problems, place your item in both a desired and an unfavorable future.
- Extend your product's horizons. Consider where your creation will be in a few decades.
- Develop a hypothesis on how to connect the dots by identifying your target audience and their purchasing habits.
- Imagine the future of your artifact and paint a future vision for it.
- Discover how speculative design can change the way we think about product creation.
- After you've finalized your design, the last step is to put it into action.
- Create a roadmap for your idea and use the metrics to assess where you want to go with it.
Influences and Topic Intro
What Will We Do in This Course?
Mapping the Futures Space
Starting Point and Goal
Futures Wheel: Mapping Out Context and Consequences
Futures Cone: Categorizing Futures
Scenario: Building Futures World
Detail World
The Journey
Artifact: Designing a Future Artifact
Detailing the Feature List for Future Artifact
Create Your Mood Board
Zero to One. Prototype Your Artifact
Roadmap and Routes
Root Cause Analysis
Final Project
Designing Products of the Future