This course teaches you everything you need to know about GraphQL. GraphQL was open sourced by Facebook in 2015 and is a fresh new approach to API development. GraphQL will replace REST in the coming years.
- We build two projects from scratch so you have everything you need to know to use GraphQL
What you’ll learn:
- How the GraphQL schema works so you can use GraphQL on your own servers
- How to query GraphQL so you can access and mutate your data
- We’ll start simple, creating a schema with dummy data
- Then we’ll hook up our with schema to a live Star Wars API
- We’ll learn how to query the data, filter the data, and optimize the queries with DataLoader
- We’ll cover how to put the schema on an Express server so you can get access to your data with just HTTP requests
- Then we’ll get started with mutations, the GraphQL version of POST, PUT, and DELETE of REST
- We’ll build a blog API using just GraphQL mutations and queries, tying everything we’ve learned so far
- We’ll cover the state of GraphQL Subscriptions, an emerging and evolving standard