In this course, you will learn:
- Fundamentals of JAVA in depth
- Multithreading in depth
- Collections in depth
- Spring boot Introduction (Spring framework vs Spring boot)
- Some Important Annotaions
- IOC and Dependency Injection
- Beans and its lifecycle
1. Java Basics to Advanced
- OOPs Fundamentals | 4 Pillar of Java
- How Java Program Works and its 3 Important Components (JVM, JRE and JDK)
- Quiz Question: Why only 1 Public Class in JAVA file
- Java Variables - Part1 | Primitive Data Types in Depth
- How FLOAT and DOUBLE Number Stored in Memory? | IEEE 754 Representation
- Java Variables - Part2 | Reference/Non-Primitive Data Types in Depth
- Java Methods in Depth | Different Types of Methods with Examples
- Java Constructor in Depth | Different Types of Constructor with Examples
- Java Memory Management and Garbage Collection in Depth
- Java Classes - Part1 | Nested, Concrete, Abstract, Object, Super & Sub Classes
- Java Generic Classes | Java Classes in Depth - Part2
- Java Enum, POJO and Final Classes Explained with Examples | Java Classes - Part3
- Java Singleton & Immutable Class Explained with Examples | Java Classes - Part4
- Java Interface in Depth - Part1
- Default, Static & Private Method in Interface - Java Interfaces Part-2
- Java Reflection in Depth (Using Examples)
- Java Annotations with Examples
- Exception Handling in Java with Examples
- Operators in Java | Different Types of Operators in JAVA
- Control Flow Statements in Java | Decision Making, Looping & Branching Statement
- Collections in Java - Part1 | Java Collections Framework in depth
- Collections in Java - Part2 | Comparator Vs Comparable | PriorityQueue
- Collections in Java - Part3 | Deque and List in Depth
- Collections in Java - Part4 | HashMap Internal Working in Java
- Collections in Java - Part5 | LinkedHashMap and TreeMap in depth
- Collections in Java - Part6 | SET
- Streams in Java8 | Collections in Java - Part7
- Multithreading and Concurrency in Java: Part1
- Thread Creation, Thread Lifecycle and Inter-Thread Communication: Part2
- Thread Joining, Daemon Thread, Thread Priority | Multithreading in Java: Part3
- Locks and Condition | Java Multithreading Part4
- Lock-Free Concurrency | Compare-and-Swap: Part5
- Thread Pools in Java | ThreadPoolExecutor Framework | Multithreading Part6
- Java8 CompletableFuture | Future & Callable in Java | Part7
- ForkJoinPool, WorkStealingPool, FixedThreadPool, CachedThreadPool & SingleThread
- Java ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor || Shutdown Vs AwaitTermination
- Java VirtualThreads vs Normal Threads || ThreadLocal in Java
2. Spring-boot Basics to Advanced
- Introduction to Spring boot | Its Advantage over Spring MVC and Servlets
- Spring boot Project setup and Layered Architecture Introduction
- Introduction to Maven and its Lifecycle | Spring boot Maven project
- Spring boot Annotations (Controller Layer) | Controller, RestController etc
- Spring boot: Bean and its Lifecycle | Inversion of Control (IOC)
- Dependency Injection in Spring boot | With Advantages and Disadvantages
- Spring boot : Bean Scopes | Singleton, Prototype, Request, Session Scopes
- Spring boot: Dynamically Initialized Beans | Value Annotation
- Spring boot @ConditionalOnProperty Annotation
- Spring boot @Profile annotation | How Profiling works in Spring boot
- Spring boot AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
- Spring boot @Transactional Annotation - Part1
- Transactional Annotation Part2 | Declarative,Programmatic Approach & Propagation
- Spring boot @Transactional Annotation - Part3 | Isolation Level and its types
- Spring boot @Async Annotation - Part1 | ThreadPoolExecutor
- @Async Annotation - Part2 | Async Annotation Important Interview questions
- Custom Interceptors | How to Intercept Incoming HTTP Request & Custom Annotation
- Filters vs Interceptors | Filters & Interceptors Advantage and Usecases for both
- Spring boot HATEOAS Restful API | Advantage, Disadvantage with Example
- Spring boot ResponseEntity & Response Codes | 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx Codes
- Spring boot Exception Handling
- Spring boot : JPA (PART-1)
- Spring boot: JPA (Part-2) | JPA Setup, Architecture and Entity Relationship
- Spring boot: JPA (Part-3) | First Level Caching
- Spring boot: JPA (Part-4) | Second Level Caching
- Spring boot: JPA (Part-5) | Map DTO to Table
- Spring boot: JPA (Part-6) | OneToOne Mapping Unidirectional and Bidirectional
- Spring boot: JPA (Part-7) | OneToMany, ManyToOne and ManyToMany