In this course, you will :
- Learn Apache Airflow from the ground up with proper HANDS-ON examples.
- Begin by implementing the Airflow core nomenclature - DAG, Operators, Tasks, Executors, Cfg file, UI views, and so on.
- ADVANCE Airflow concepts, which are not well explained even in Airflow's official documentation.
- XComs, Hooks, Pools, SubDAGs, Variables, Connections, Plugins, Adhoc queries, Branching, Sensors, and a plethora of other features.
- Data Profiling, Charts, Trigger rules, airflowignore file, Zombies, Undeads, LatestOnly operator are all exclusive features.
- Using Apache Airflow, create a data pipeline for Real-Time case studies.
- The resources tab contains codes and data-sets. This will save you typing time.
Syllabus :
1. Architecture Of Apache Airflow
- Architecture of Airflow
- Life Cycle of a Task
2. Installation
- Docker Installation (Docker Desktop)
- Docker Installation (Docker Toolbox)
- Airflow Installation
3. Understanding Directories in Airflow Project
- Understanding Compose files
- Understanding other directories
4. Airflow's UI Tour
- First look of Airflow UI
- Running default DAG in UI
- Views in UI (Tree, Graph, Gantt, etc)
- Understanding DAG definition file
- DAG file execution
5. What are Operators
- What are Operators
- Create a DAG
6. Project - Store Sales Report
- Project Requirements
- Writing Project Compose File
- Writing Project's DAG File
- Creating Connections in UI
- Writing DAG continued
- Running project DAG in UI
- 'with' - Context Manager
7. Airflow CLI Tour
- Running Project DAG in Airflow CLI
- Airflow CLI Commands
8. Executors in Airflow
- What are Executors
- Sequential Executor
- Local Executor
- Celery Executor
9. XComs and Variables (Advance)
- XComs in Airflow
- Implementing XComs
- Variables in Airflow
- Dummy Operator
10. Advance Concepts of Airflow
- Hooks
- Pools
- Airflow Sensors
- Backfill and Catchup
- Branching
- airflow.cfg file
- LatestOnlyOperator
- Create a DAG
11. Data Profiling in Airflow
- Adhoc Queries
- Querying Metadata Tables
- Charts in Airflow
12. SubDAGs (Advance)
- What are SubDAGs
- SubDAGs implementation
13. PLUGINS - Creating Custom Components
- Plugins Introduction
- Create first Plugin
- Create Custom Operator
- Running Custom Operator's DAG
- Create Custom Sensor
- Create Custom Hook
14. Trigger Rules, airflowignore file, Zombies & Undeads
- Trigger Rules
- .airflowignore file
- Zombies
- Undeads