In this course, you will learn:-
- Their SD Card should be formatted.
- Install the Raspbian operating system.
- Start the Raspbian operating system.
- New Linux User Accounts can be created.
- Their Raspberry Pi can be overclocked.
- Install the latest software.
- Scratch Basic is a programming language.
- Python is a simple programming language.
- Create a Web Server of Your Own.
Course Introduction
How To Ask Questions
Setting Up Your Raspberry Pi
Formatting your SD Card
Installing Raspbian Jessie
First Raspbian Boot
Installing NOOBS
Creating a New Account
Overclocking Your Pi
Installing Software
Office Software and GIMP
Installing Apache Web Server
Port Forwarding
Introduction to Scratch
Introduction to Python
Python - The "input" Keyword
Python - Working with Numbers
Python - Branching Statements
Python - While Loops