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300 reviews

5 h


Quantum Optics 2 - Two photons and more

"Quantum Optics 1, Single photons", allowed learners to be introduced to the basic principles of light quantization, and to the standard formalism of Quantum Optics.

8 reviews

13 h


Applications of Quantum Mechanics

This course focuses on the fundamental techniques required for practical applications and research in quantum mechanics. We present a number of approximation strategies for understanding systems that lack analytic solutions.


A Brief History of Quantum Mechanics - with Sean Carroll

The mysterious world of quantum mechanics has mystified scientists for decades. But this mind-bending theory is the best explanation of reality that we have


56 h 17 m


Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation

A simple conceptual introduction to quantum mechanics and quantum computation.


100 h


Gravity and Quantum Mechanics - The Quest for Unification

Joe Polchinski KITP Mar 6, 2013 Quantum mechanics and relativity tell us that when we look at the very small, the very fast, or the very massive - then space..


1 h 15 m


The Secrets Of Quantum Physics (Jim Al-Khalili)

Professor Jim Al-Khalili traces the story of arguably the most important, accurate and yet perplexing scientific theory ever: quantum physics.


59 h 32 m


Introducción a la gravedad cuántica de lazos

Aprende sobre la gravedad cuántica de lazos o bucles, uno de los enfoques que se están estudiando para aplicar las reglas de la mecánica cuántica al campo gravitatorio descrito por la teoría de la relatividad general de Albert Einstein.


30 h


Quantum Mechanics for Engineers

Essential quantum mechanics for engineers Lay the groundwork for advanced electrical, mechanical, and quantum engineering.


48 h


Quantum Physics (University Level Course)

Learn Mathematical Description of Universe at Small Scale and Solve Hundreds of Numerical Problems in Quantum Mechanics

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34 reviews

10 h 5 m


Quantum Computing for Beginners

Learn Quantum Computing from Quantum Physics, Superposition, Entanglement, Cryptography, Quantum Mechanics, Teleport

21 reviews

2 h

19 reviews

1 h

Details about Quantum Mechanics Free udemy courses

Get free udemy courses on quantum mechanics with udemy 100% off coupons. Use udemy free courses coupon and get quantum mechanics udemy paid courses for free without download. Get free udemy courses download is not require. These are the best online tutorials and courses to learn quantum mechanics step by step.

These free Quantum Mechanics courses are collected from udemy with 100 off coupons and available for free. Get free udemy courses download not require. Find the best quantum mechanics tutorials with videos and get free training and practical knowledge of quantum mechanics.

Get started with Quantum Mechanics for free and learn fast from the scratch as a beginner. Find free quantum mechanics udemy courses for beginners that may include projects, practice exercises, quizzes and tests, video lectures, examples and advanced your quantum mechanics level.