In this course, you will learn:
- Understanding the interface
- Creating Meshes
- Brushes and Sculpting
- Working with tools
- Working with subtools
- Deforming the transpose
- Painting & Texturing with color
- UV Layout and Maps
- Troubleshooting
- Introduction
- Using the exercise files
- What is ZBrush?
- A note on screen resolution
- Update for ZBrush 4R7
1. Understanding the Interface
- Making sense of ZBrush
- Understanding the interface
- Using Light Box
- Navigating the canvas
- Using Perspective and Floor
- Understanding local centering
- Trying different materials
- Activating symmetry
- Viewing your work in various ways
2. Creating Meshes
- Understanding polygon-based models
- Creating ZSpheres
- Using ShadowBox
- Making a ZSketch
- Extracting from an existing mesh
- Using primitive 3D meshes
- Importing from other programs
3. Brushes and Sculpting
- Understanding brush settings
- Inverting brush effects
- Switching to Smooth mode
- Setting the stroke properties
- Working with alphas
- Using the Move brush
- Using the Clip brush
- Learning a few more common brushes (Polish, Clay, Flatten, Inflate, Tracks)
- Saving and using brush presets
4. Working with Tools
- Working with tools and projects
- Working with subdivision levels
- Masking off parts of your model
- Masking based on cavity and occlusion
- Selecting and hiding parts of a tool
- Working with polygroups
- Using deformation
- Mirroring geometry across an axis
- Restoring symmetry
- Creating morph targets
- Understanding surface normal direction
5. Working with Subtools
- Learning the basics of subtools
- Making new subtools
- Combining subtools
6. Deforming with Transpose
- Masking with Transpose
- Adjusting the Transpose Manipulator
- Moving, scaling, and rotating with Transpose
7. Painting and Texturing with Color
- Understanding how ZBrush uses color
- Learning the basics of Spotlight
- Painting and texturing with Spotlight
- Texturing a head: A practical approach
8. Retopology: Making Riggable Models
- Drawing new edge flow for retopology
- Tips for making good edge flow
- Creating new topology
- Transferring detail from the old model to the new
9. UV Layout and Maps
- Understanding the UV maps
- Installing the UV Master plug-in
- Using UV Master
- Creating texture maps
10. Troubleshooting
- Preventing problems
- Recovering a corrupted model
- Recognizing and fixing common problems