In this course, you will :
- Learn how to overcome time management challenges such as perfectionism, procrastination, and distractions in your daily lives.
- Learn to transform the stale existence you were used to.
- Use the new rich's currencies: time, freedom, decentralization, and mobility.
- Learn how to quadruple your income, reduce your working hours by half, and at least triple your spare time.
- Learn secret ways for making the most of your time.
- Learn to focus intensely and outperform your competitors.
1. Lessons from « The 4-hour Workweek »
- Escape Normal
- Adopt selective ignorance
- Use the time you have wisely
- Concentrate on the 20%
- Work smarter, not harder
- Busyness is NOT the same as productivity
- Eliminate switching costs and startup costs
- Outsource, outsource, outsource
- Where to Outsource?
2. Lessons from « Deep work »
- Shallow vs Deep Work
- Deep work is valuable, rare and meaningful
- Create Daily Rituals
- 4 Work Styles and How to Find Yours
- Eliminate Interruptions: Stay hyper-focused on one task
- Concentration can be improved via practice
3. Sleep faster and more effectively
- Myths about Sleeping that People Believe
- Eye-Opening findings
- Mystery of a Good Night's Sleep
4. Remembering The Basics: Time Management
- Defining Time Management
- How Time Management works?
- Importance of Time Management
- Key Elements of time management
5. Remembering The Basics: Effective Time Management
- Defining Effective Time Management
- Planning, identifying & allocating your time
- Where did the time go?
6. Remembering The Basics: Task Management Skills
- To-do Lists
- Be Flexible
- Time to Think
- Learning to Say “No”
- Working Smart
- Rewarding Yourself
7. Remembering The Basics: Getting Organized
- Keeping a diary
- Avoiding cherry picking
- Making use of checklists
- Taking a Break
8. Remembering The Basics: Avoiding Time Wasters
- Start with the Difficult Stuff First
- Don’t waste time on things you don’t like
- Be aware of your favourite tasks
- Handle personal interruptions
- Communicate via email
- First Things First
9. Remembering The Basics: Be Honest with Task Deadlines
- Defining task deadline
- Avoid the unnecessary
- Avoiding distractions at Work
- Break a deadline into milestones
- Set fake deadlines for others
- Flag problems early