In this course, you will :
- Make REAL web applications using cutting-edge technologies.
- Build responsive applications using modern CSS technologies like flexbox.
- Build JSON APIs using Node, Express and MongoDB.
- Learn the most popular front end library React and master the fundamentals around state, props and the component lifecycle.
- Use babel and webpack to transpile and bundle code.
- Understand what the Virtual DOM is and how React performs reconciliation.
- Leverage Component Lifecycle methods with React to include making AJAX calls properly.
- Secure Node, Express, Mongo and React applications on the front-end and back-end using bcrypt and JSON Web Tokens.
- Add routing to a single page application with the most popular routing library for react, React Router..
- Manage State with a centralized store using Redux.
- Connect Redux with a React application to build scalable production applications with client-side state management.
- Select and manipulate elements in the DOM using D3.
- Build dynamic visualizations using D3 and SVG.
- Use D3 to build scatterplots, histograms, pie charts and force graphs.
- Build compelling map visualizations with GeoJSON and TopoJSON.
- Master how to handle asynchronous code using callbacks, promises, generators and async functions.
- Understand how JavaScript handles asynchronous code using the Event Loop with the Stack, Heap and Queue..
- Use advanced array methods to build a solid understanding of functional programming.
- Create dynamic single page applications using AJAX.
- Structure applications with design patterns using closure and modules.
- Explain how Object Oriented Programming works with a thorough understanding of the keyword this and the new keyword.
- Refactor code using call, apply and bind to remove duplication.
- Use jQuery to build single page applications and understand the limitations of just using jQuery.
- Create block scope with the let keyword and use the const keyword to prevent variables from being redeclared.
- Clean up code using arrow functions and master method binding without using the bind keyword.
- Use default parameters, for of loops and the rest and spread operator to write more concise and more maintainable code.
- Refactor an ES5 application to use ES2015.
- Master the new class syntax and create instance methods, class methods.
- Implement inheritance in ES2015 using extends and super.
- Leverage newer data structures like Maps and Sets to better solve problems.
- Learn cutting edge features to the JavaScript language with ES2016, 2017 as well as experimental JavaScript additions.
- Solve problems similar to what you would get in a developer interview or phone screen.