In this course, you will :
- In-depth look at snowflake architecture.
- How data is processed in Snowflake.
- Snowflake provides secure data sharing.
- Recognize the various caching layers in Snowflake.
- Snowpipe is used to continue data loading.
- Snowflake table clustering and how it works under the hood
- Load data and unload data from AWS , GOOGLE and AZURE cloud
- Loading unstructured data.
- Snowflake internal stage and external stages.
- Snowflake data sampling and its importance.
- Detail overview about, snowflake clone , failsafe and data retention.
- Unique features of Snowfalke ( time travel , undrop , table swap)
- Scheduling using Tasks
- Streams in snowflake
- Materialized views
- Best practices in snowflake
- Snowpro certification compatible.
- Snowflake stored procedures.
- Data masking
- Snowsight and warehosue utilization dashboard.
Syllabus :
- Snowflake environment setup
- Snowflake architecture
- Caching in snowflake data warehouse
- Clustering in snowflake.
- Clustering --- Deep dive.
- Introduction to virtual warehouse creation.
- Performance tuning and DB characterstics
- Snowsight and warehouse dashboard
- Loading data in snowflake.
- Load data using internal stage.
- Load data from AWS s3
- Load data from Google GCS.
- Loading data from Azure.
- Copy options
- Loading unstructured data
- Snow pipe in snowflake
- Data sharing in snowflake
- Time Travel in snowflake
- Fail safe in snowflake
- Clone feature in snowflake
- Data sampling in snowflake.
- Scheduling in snowflake-TASKS
- Streaming in snowflake.
- Materialized views
- Data masking
- Stored procedures
- Snowflake best practices