In this course, you will learn :
- Build fully functional scalable and secure Web-Applications using the Flask Framework
- Learn to use various Flask extensions such as Blueprints, Bootstrap, WTForms, Bcrypt etc.
- Add a PostgreSQL database to your Python Web Applications and use SQLAlchemy ORM to Query Data
- Deploy your application to Heroku
- Master GitHub Basics
- Learn how to use Amazon S3
- Have Fun Building Dynamic Web Applications While you learn
Syllabus :
1. The Basics
- Why Web Development is So Complicated
- why flask and prerequisites
- virtual environments
- installing Pycharm on mac
- working with pycharm
- python classes and basic flask application
- http get requests
- http post requests
2. routing in flask
- understanding query strings
- numbers and floats
- rendering html templates
3. jinja2 templating
- jinja
- the url_for method
- jinja part 4 - filters
- jinja part 5 - macros
4. working with databases
- installing PostgreSQL on mac
- installing PostgreSQL on windows
- setting up the PostgreSQL database
- creating tables
5. performing CRUD operations
- inserting records
- establishing relationships
- querying data
- updating and deleting records
6. working with git and github
- installing git on windows
- installing git on mac
- git commands
7. understanding contexts in flask
- flask context variables
8. scalable architecture
- scaling applications
9. database models
- models part 1
- models part 2 - displaying data in a browser
- models part 3 - displaying data in a browser
10. Integrating twitter Bootstrap with flask
- improve design using flask-bootstrap
11. working with forms
- a simple form
- basic user registration form and CSRF
- flask login and password hashing using bcrypt
- creating users in the database
- adding data validation to the registration process
- capturing user credentials using forms
- writing custom validations
- login manager and usermixin classes
- letting users login
- display login status
- logging users out
- current user
12. performing CRUD operations using forms
- delete database records
- update database records using forms
- inserting database records using forms
13. error handling in flask
404, page not found
14. deploying flask applications to heroku
- preparing the app for deployment
- uploading the app to github
- defining the environment variables and deploying the app to heroku
- restoring PostgreSQL database into heroku using Amazon S3