In this course, you will learn :
- In-depth knowledge of code management and Jenkins integration.
- Ready to work on Git with Gitbash and Jenkins integration.
Syllabus :
1. Setup GIT and understand its functionality
- Introduction to Git & GitHub
- Setup Git and GitHub
- Configure GIT with Username and Email
- Create Local Repository
- Commit File to Local Repository
- Undo Files from Stage to Untrack
- Check and Discard Changes
- Push Code to Remote Repository
- Clone Repository
2. Create Batch File & Share Code
- Check Projects
- Create Batch File for Libraries
- Push Code to Remote Repository
3. Setup Jenkins
- Setup Java
- Download Jenkins War & Setup Plugins
- Configure Paths on Jenkins
- Setup Allure Reporting Options
4. Create Job on Jenkins
- Job to fetch code from Github
- Set Environment variable and run batch file
- Execute Jenkins job with Pytest
5. Generate Allure Report
- Generate Allure Report and Upload on Jenkins
- Update & Generate Allure Report
6. Robot - API Testing - Jenkins Integration
Create job for API Testing