In this course, you will learn:-
- The fundamentals of C# and the.NET Framework are covered
- Working with Primitive Data Types is a good idea
- Use the Console to your advantage
- Conditional Statements (if/else, if/else, switch) are used to control the flow of code execution
- Loops and How to Use Them
Setup Your Developer Environment
Creating a New Project in Visual Studio 2017
Say Hello to the World! (Your First Program)
Quick Tip - Input Values from the Console
What is a Variable and What is a Data Type?
Brief Overview of The Different Data Types
Create Integer Numbers
Store Anything Into A String!
Introduction to Arrays
Difference Between.Write and WriteLine
Formatting Strings the Correct Way!
Arithmetic Operators - Math with C#
The Logical Operators - To Be Or Not To Be
If that do this, else do this
If that do this, else if that do this, but if neither, do that
What is a Loop and Create a Simple While Loop
Creating For Loops and The Difference With While Loops