In this course, you will learn :
- PostgreSQL Database Installation on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- PgAdmin can be used to connect to PostgreSQL.
- Insert the sample database into PostgreSQL.
- PostgreSQL database objects can be explored.
- Create Database
- Create Table
Syllabus :
1. PostgreSQL | PgAdmin Setup
- What is PostgreSQL
- What is PgAmin
- Installing Python on Windows
- Installing Python on Macs
- Installing Python on Linux
- Install PgAdmin for Macs
- Install PgAdmin for Linux
- Connect PgAmin to PostgreSQL
- Install Sample Database
- Database Concepts
2. Exploring PostgreSQL Database Objects with PgAdmin
- Server Service
- Database
- Table
- Schema
- Tablespace
- Views
- Functions
- Cast and Operators
- Sequences
- Extensions
- Create a database with PgAdnin
- Create a table with PgAdmin