In this course, you will :
- Explain the distinctions between the major and minor scales.
- Explain the various scales you might hear in various parts of the world.
- Differentiate between conjunct and disjunct melodies.
- Create a melodic sequence.
- Explain the distinction between a genuine cadence and a deceptive cadence.
- Describe what a harmony is.
- Explain how to concentrate on the rate of harmonic change.
- Define the term "irregular rate of harmonic change."
- Explain the concept of a chord progression.
Syllabus :
1. Melody
- The Development of Notes and the Scale
- Major, Minor, and Chromatic Scales
- Cadences and Sequences
- Exploring Wagner's and Mozart's Melodies
2. Harmony and Bass Patterns
- Introduction to Harmony
- Harmonic Progressions
- Chord Progressions
- Three and Four Chord Progressions