With marketers poised to be the organization's largest data users, there is a need to make sense of the variety of consumer data that the organisation collects. Surveys, transaction histories, and billing records can all provide insight into consumers' future behaviour if properly interpreted. We introduce the tools that learners will need to convert raw data into marketing insights in Introduction to Marketing Analytics. The included exercises are carried out in Microsoft Excel, ensuring that learners have the tools necessary to extract information from the data at their disposal. The course provides learners with exposure to essential tools including exploratory data analysis, as well as regression methods that can be used to investigate the impact of marketing activity on aggregate data (e.g., sales) and on individual-level choice data (e.g., brand choices).
Syllabus :
1. Exploring your Data with Visualization and Descriptive Statistics
- Course Objectives & Example 1: Political Advertising Expenditure
- Course Goals & Example 2: Performing Arts Centers
- Organizing Data
- The Motion Picture Industry
- Excel Analysis of Motion Picture Industry Data
- Displaying Conditional Distributions
- Analyzing Qualitative Variables
- Steps in Constructing Histograms
- Common Descriptive Statistics for Quantitative Data
2. Regression Analysis for Marketing Data
- Regression-Based Modeling
- Introduction to Customer Analytics
- Customer Choices Drive Business Decisions
- Illustrating Customer Analytics in Excel
3. From Analysis to Action
- Customer Valuation Excel Demonstration
- Inventory Management Excel Demonstration