In this course, you will learn:
- A beginner's guide to supervised machine learning, decision trees, and gradient boosting with Python and Scikit-learn. Completing assignments and developing a real-world project will earn you a validated certificate of success.
1. Linear Regression with Scikit Learn
- Preparing data for machine learning
- Linear regression with multiple features
- Generating predictions and evaluating models
2. Logistic Regression for Classification
- Downloading & processing Kaggle datasets
- Training a logistic regression model
- Model evaluation, prediction & persistence
3. Train Your First ML Model
- Download and prepare a dataset for training
- Train a linear regression model using sklearn
- Make predictions and evaluate the model
4. Decision Trees and Hyperparameters
- Downloading a real-world dataset
- Preparing a dataset for training
- Training & interpreting decision trees
5. Random Forests and Regularization
- Training and interpreting random forests
- Ensemble methods and random forests
- Hyperparameter tuning and regularization
6. Decision Trees and Random Forests
- Prepare a real-world dataset for training
- Train decision tree and random forest
- Tune hyperparameters and regularize
7. Gradient Boosting with XGBoost
- Training and evaluating a XGBoost model
- Data normalization and cross-validation
- Hyperparameter tuning and regularization
8. Real-World Machine Learning Model
- Perform data cleaning & feature engineering
- Training, compare & tune multiple models
- Document and publish your work online
9. Unsupervised Learning and Recommendations
- Clustering and dimensionality reduction
- Collaborative filtering and recommendations
- Other supervised learning algorithms