In this course, you will learn:
- In data science, use Pandas to import datasets and perform data operations.
- Create a list in Python and append to it.
- Create a NumPy array, one dimensional array, and convert it to a two-dimensional array.
- Preprocessing data using Pandas and Scikit Learn
- Use the train test split function to divide the dataset into training and testing sets.
- To develop a model using supervised machine learning techniques
- Learn the link between Views, URLs, and templates in Django.
- Create a project and an application in Django.
- Integrate the concepts of JQuery, Ajax, Django, and machine learning
- Create a Django web app for delivering machine learning models.
- Learn how to install machine learning models in Django.
1. Environment Set
- Installation of Python
- Installation of Coding Editors
- Install Anaconda, Xampp and Run A Project
2. Python Basics
- Python Introduction And Hello World
- Variable Declaration, Initialization And Data Types
- Python Data Structure
- Control Structure
- Python Functions
3. Disease Prediction
- Loading Dataset
- Feature Selection And Train Tet split
- Guassian Naive Bayes
- Random Forest Classifier
4. Drug Recommendation
- Loading Dataset
- Data Preprocessing
- Random Forest Classifier
- Gaussian Naive Bayes
5. Create Django Project
- Create Django Project and Application
- Creating Model
- Creating Users
- Home Page
6. User Registration And Log In
- User registration
- User login
7. Patient Dashboard
- Patient Dashboard And Create Profile
- Predicting Disease
- Diagnosis Result And Appointment
8. Doctor Dashboard
- Creating Doctor Dashboard
- Recommending Drug Names