In this course, you will learn:
- Convert real images and video into accurate 2D and 3D models in minutes by using ReCap 360
- How to use the features of ReCap 360, including navigation options, menus, scanning features, contextual tiles, display adjustments, and how to start and complete projects.
- Autodesk product automates many tasks that used to be manual and time intensive, including scanning and registering images automatically, so you'll have more time to focus on other import important parts of your business
- Introduction
- Use the exercise files
1. Getting Started
- Home screen
- Scan project introduction
- Photo project introduction
- Preferences
2. Scan Project: Home Menu
- Create a project
- Open a project
- Navigation menu
- Import data
- Export a project
- Export an image file
- Recover points that have been deleted
- Save a project
3. Contextual Tile Menu
- Use a selection window
- Select points using a fence
- Select points along a plane
- Measure distance
- Measure angles
- Add notes
- Set an outer limit to the point cloud
4. Display Settings Menu
- Adjust the color of the point cloud display
- Adjust lighting
- Adjust the size of points
- User interface elements
- Set the background color
5. Additional Options
- Understand the Project Navigator
- View states
- Scan regions
- Search functionality
- Navigation with the ViewCube
- Undo and redo your work
- Project coordinates
- Provide software feedback
6. Photo Projects
- Recap a photo project
- Export your data