In this course, you will learn :
- Bias
- Chi-square test
- Contingency tables
- F-test
- Goodness of fit
- Mean comparison
- Power
- Proportion comparison
- p-value
- Sampling
- t-test
Syllabus :
1. Data Sampling
- Everyday Stats: Politics & Polls
- Sampling Methods
- The Sample Mean
- Margin of Error I
2. The Z-test
- The Z-statistic
- The Z-test
- Understanding p-values
- p-hacking
3. The Chi-Square test
- The Chi-Square Statistic
- Chi-Square Random Variables
- Degrees of Freedom I
4. The t-test
- A Tale of Two Cities' Proportions
- Intro to t-variables
- Pooled Variance
- Unpooled Variance
5. Linear Regression & ANOVA
- Why ANOVA?
- Linear Regression: The Simplest Model
- Best Fit Lines
- The Linear Regression F-statistic