In this course, you will :
- Prepare thoroughly for the ISTQB Exam.
- Well-versed in the terms and concepts used in the software industry.
- The various types of software testing and how they are carried out.
- Various tools that aid in software testing.
- Yes, you are now a Software Tester.
Syllabus :
1. Fundamentals of testing
- Why is testing necessary?
- What is testing?
- Testing principles
- Fundamental Test Process
- The psychology of testing
- Code of Ethics
2. FundamentalTesting throughout the software life cycles of testing
- Waterfall Model Part
- Verification and Validation
- SDLC - V-Model
- SDLC - Iterative Model
- SDLC - Rapid Application Development Model
- SDLC - Agile Methodology
- Test level - Component Testing
- Test level - Integration Testing
- Test level - System Testing
- Test level - Acceptance Testing
- Test types: Functional Testing
- Test types: Non- Functional Testing
- Test Types: Re-Testing and Regression Testing
- Test Type: Structure or WhiteBox Testing
- Maintenance Testing
3. Static Techniques
- Static Testing
- Roles and Responsibilties in Reviews
- Phases of Review
- Types of Reviews
- Static analysis by Tools
4. Test Design Techniques
- Identifying Test Conditions and Designing Tests cases
- Specification-based (black-box) testing techniques
- Use case testing
- Experienced Based Techniques
- Choosing a test technique
5. Test Management
- Test Organization
- Test Pan, Estimates & Stratergy
- Test Progress, Monitoring and Control
- Configuration Management
- Risk & Testing
- Incident Management
6. Tool support for testing
- Types of Test Tools
- Effective use of Tools - Potential Benefits & Risk
- Introducing a tool into an organization