In this course, you will :
- teaches you how to build bizarre scenes that look astonishingly realistic step by step.
- walks you through the process of using Maya + Redshift, After Effects, and SynthEyes to create a whimsical scenario of huge, lifelike donuts showering down on an iconic American monument.
Syllabus :
1. Preparation
- Skills Needed for the Project
- The Softwares
- Planning Out the Shot
2. 3D Tracking and Layout
- Prepping the Shot in After Effects
- Tracking the Footage in SynthEyes
- Importing the Tracked Camera to Maya
- Placing 3D Models in the Scene
3. Animation, Lighting, and Rendering
- The Animation
- Lighting
- Materials and Textures
- Rendering Setup
4. Compositing the VFX Shot
- Importing the CG Renders
- Color Correction
- Export for Social Media