In this course you will learn :
- How to create a new project, deploy it to a Rails server, and understand the Rails design pattern.
- How to do CRUD operations, handle user authentication, and manage sessions.
- Learn the fundamentals of Ruby on Rails.
- Learn the fundamentals of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
- Rails migrations can be created and used.
- On Rails, perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations.
- Routes, models, views, and controllers must all be configured.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction to Ruby on Rails
- Prerequisites and Learning Outcomes
- What is Rails?
- Creating a New Rails Project
- Deploying on the Rails Server
- Rails Design Pattern
- Hello World!
2. CRUD on Rails
- Models and Active Record
- Migrations
- Migrations Methods
- Create and Read
- Update and Delete
- CRUD Application
- Validations
- Basic Challenge: Validate Updates
- Challenge Solution: Validate Updates
- DRYing the app
3. Your First Rails Application!
- Model Structure
- Basic Challenge: Configure Route
- Challenge Solution: Configure Route
- User Model
- Basic Challenge: Configure Views
- Challenge Solution: Configure Views
- User Functionality
- Acts as Votable
4. Testing
- Assertions and Code Structure
- Model Testing
- Controller Testing: Functional Tests
- Controller Testing: Integration Tests
- View Testing