In this course, you will learn:-
- Create Lightning components for Salesforce®.
- Learn the fundamentals of single-page application development.
- Discover the fundamentals of component-based architecture.
Create a Developer Org
Enable a Custom Domain
Deploy to Users
Create An Application
Create a Component
Delete Components and Applications
Understand Single Page Applications
The Component Bundle
Add a Controller
Pass an attribute value to a component
Value Providers
Add Styling to A Component
Add the Lightning Design System to our test application
What we're going to build
Build a button using the SLDS
Build a Task Component
Build a Task Component adding a Title Attribute
Building a Task Container Component
Aura: Iteration
Build a Create New Task Button
Task Creation Container: Part 1 - Add an Input
Task Creation Container: Part 2 - Margin and Padding
Create the Application and Container Component
Assemble the Components
Creating New Tasks
Deleting Tasks Part 1
Deleting Tasks Part 2 - Firing Events
Deleting Tasks Part 3 - Handlers
Create a Task Refactor
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