In this course, you will learn:
- The Structure of an HTML Page
- Core HTML Tags
- HTML Spacing
- HTML Text Formatting & Decoration
- HTML Lists (Ordered, Unordered)
- HTML Image Insertion
- HTML Embedding Videos
- Absolute vs. Relative File Referrencing
- Link Creation, Anchor Tags, Tables
- Table Background Images
- Form Tags and Attributes - Buttons, Input Areas, Select Menus
- Parts of a CSS Rule
- CSS - Classes, Spans, Divisions
- CSS Text Properties, Margins, & Padding
- CSS Borders, Backgrounds, & Transparency
- CSS Positioning - Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Float, Clear
- CSS Z-Index, Styling Links, Tables
- Responsive Web Page Design using CSS
1. HTML Development
- Introduction to HTML
- What is HTML?
- What is Tag, Element and Attribute
- Setting up the System
- Basic Structure of a Web Page
- HTML Head Tags
- HTML Body Tag
- HTML Paragraph Spacing
- HTML Line Breaks
- HTML Non-Breaking Space
- HTML Header Tags
- HTML Text Formatting and Decoration
- HTML Inline Text Formatting
- HTML Unordered Lists
- HTML Ordered Lists
- HTML Image Insertion
- HTML Embedding Videos
- HTML Absolute vs. Relative File Referencing
- HTML Link Creation
- HTML Anchor Tags
- HTML Tables
- HTML Nested Tables
- HTML Merging Cells
- HTML Text Wrapping
- HTML Table Background Image
- HTML Cell Alignment
- HTML - Introduction to Forms
- HTML Form Tags and Attributes
- HTML Forms - Post vs Get
- HTML Forms - Input Text Fields
- HTML Forms - Select Menus
- HTML Forms - Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
- HTML Forms - Text Areas and Buttons
- HTML Forms Practice - Creating Forms to take user's input
- HTML Project - Introduction
- HTML Project - Header
- HTML Project - Callout
- HTML Project - Image Insertion
- HTML Project - Text Insertion
- HTML Project - Links and Form
- HTML Project - Tabular Data
- HTML Project - Footer
2. CSS Development
- Introduction to CSS
- Parts of a CSS Rule
- Types of CSS Rules
- CSS - Color Names and Codes
- CSS Classes and Spans
- CSS Divisions - DIVs
- CSS Margins
- CSS Padding
- CSS Text Properties
- CSS Font Properties
- CSS Borders
- CSS Backgrounds
- CSS Transparency
- CSS Text on Top of Images
- CSS Width and Height Properties
- CSS Display Properties
- CSS Static Positioning
- CSS Relative Positioning
- CSS Absolute Positioning
- CSS Fixed Positioning
- CSS Float Property
- CSS Clear Property
- CSS Z-Index
- CSS Styling Links
- CSS Tables
- CSS Project - Introduction
- CSS Project - CSS Rules
- CSS Project - Navigation Rules
- CSS Project - Responsive CSS
- CSS Project - Page Elements