In this course, you will :
- Learn Gatsby
- Learn how to use Shopify
- GraphQL is used to query Shopify data from Gatsby.
- Using Gatsby and GraphQL, create a fully functional e-commerce site.
- To style our site, we will use React styled components.
- Creating a responsive e-commerce layout that is mobile-first.
- Create a dynamic cart and inventory check for our products.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction & Setup
- Gatsby & Shopify Overview
- Set up Gatsby project
- Gatsby project starter files walkthrough
- Set up Shopify & importing example products
- Disable Shopify real-life payments + enable bogus payments
- Collections in Shopify
- Set up API keys in Shopify & connect to Gatsby
- Query Shopify data using GraphiQL
2. Building the product pages
- Query Shopify data from Gatsby & generate pages from product data
- Start building the product template
- Querying for a specific Product using page queries
- Introduction to styled components
3. Building the image gallery
- Introduction to images in Gatsby
- Creating the ImageGallery component
- Creating and rendering the ImageThumbnail components
- Implementing active thumbnail feature
4. Dynamically querying data
- Introduction to CartContext and calling the shopify API dynamically
- Rendering the product variants
- Rendering the variant price
- Implementing routing for variants
- Change the image thumbnail on variant selection
- Hide variants if only 1 variant
5. Building the cart functionality
- Creating the ProductQuantityAdder component
- Add logic to the ProductQuantityAdder
- Creating the Header component
- Implement the add to cart functionality
- Display the number of items and total price in header
6. Building the 'Your Cart' page
- Link to the cart page
- Creating the page and rendering our cart items
- Styling the cart items
- Adding the quantity adjuster buttons
- Adding the delete button
7. Building the homepage
- Adding collections data
- Querying collections from homepage
- Rendering collections grid
- Styling the collections tiles
- Styling the sale tile
- Rendering the featured products
- Styling the featured products grid
- Finishing the product tiles
8. Building the all products page
- Creating the all-products page and rendering the filters
- Styling the filters and creating the Checkbox component
- Creating the Category filter checkbox functionality
- Implement select / deselect multiple category filters
- Rendering products
9. Creating the search functionality
- Creating the search component
- Implementing the search filter via URL
- Add the search filter logic for the products
10. Finishing touches
- Implementing the checkout
- Add "shop now" buttons to the homepage collection tiles
- Add a homepage logo link
11. Deploy live site on Netlify
- Deploy to netlify
- Automatic re-build whenever shopify content changes
- Extending auto rebuild - intro to faunadb
- Netlify functions