The course aims to help students solve practical ML-amenable problems that they may encounter in real life, such as: (1) understanding where the problem lies on a general landscape of available ML methods, (2) understanding which specific ML approach(es) would be most appropriate for resolving the problem, and (3) ability to successfully implement and assess a solution.
Syllabus :
1. Fundamentals of Supervised Learning in Finance
- What is Machine Learning in Finance?
- Introduction to Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance
- Support Vector Machines
- SVM. The Kernel Trick
- Example: SVM for Prediction of Credit Spreads
- Tree Methods. CART Trees
- Tree Methods: Random Forests
- Tree Methods: Boosting
2. Core Concepts of Unsupervised Learning, PCA & Dimensionality Reduction
- Core Concepts of UL
- PCA for Stock Returns
- Dimension Reduction with PCA
- Dimension Reduction with tSNE
- Dimension Reduction with Autoencoders
3. Data Visualization & Clustering
- Clustering Algorithms
- K-clustering
- K-means Neural Algorithm
- Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms
- Clustering and Estimation of Equity Correlation Matrix
- Minimum Spanning Trees, Kruskal Algorithm
- Probabilistic Clustering
4. Sequence Modeling and Reinforcement Learning
- Latent Variables
- Sequence Modeling
- Latent Variables for Sequences
- State-Space Models
- Hidden Markov Models
- Neural Architecture for Sequential Data
- Core Ideas
- Markov Decision Process and RL
- Bellman Equation
- RL and Inverse Reinforcement Learning