In this course, you will learn:-
- Setting up environment
- Building basic UI
- Adding logic to the code
- Know basic Widgets used in Flutter
- Form elements, validation and submission
- Navigation through screens
- Working with JSoN data
- Building a complete application
- Flutter Installation
- Creating a basic interface
- Creating classes to organize the code
- Adding logic to the design
- Appbar, Icon, Center
- Colors, Container, Gesture Detectors, Snackbar, Gradients
- Text, Row, Column, SingleChildScrollView
- Flexible v/s Expanded
- ListTile, ListViews, Padding
- Stateful v/s Stateless Widgets
- Form Elements
- Form Validation
- Form Submission
- push() function
- pop() function
- pushReplacementNamed() and popAndPushNamed() functions
- popUntil() function
- pushNamedAndRemoveUntil() function
- Prasing simple JSON
- Parsing JSON containing Array
- Parsing Nested JSON
- Basic UI
- Future Builder
- Http Request for getting data