This project-based course provides a comprehensive overview of web application development with the widely used Flask framework.
Flask is known for being straightforward, lightweight, and with a low learning curve. If you've worked with Python before, learning Flask will be a breeze. It has a thriving job market and will put you on the path to becoming a sought-after full-stack developer.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction to Flask
- What is Flask?
- Who is Using Flask?
- The Client-Server Architectural Model
- Model-Template-View Architecture
- WSGI and Jinja2
2. First Flask Application
- Hello World!
- URL Routes and Views
- Dynamic Routing
- Project Challenge: Paws Rescue Center
- Solution: Paws Rescue Center
- Quiz
3. Static Templates
- How Do We Use HTML Templates?
- Project Challenge: HTML Using Strings
- Solution: HTML Using Strings
- Project Challenge: Separate HTML Templates
- Solution: Separate HTML Templates
4. Static Files
- How Do We Serve Static Files?
- Project Challenge: Using Static Files
- Solution: Using Static Files
5. Dynamic Templates
- Jinja2 Templates
- Variables
- Control Flow
- Template Inheritance
- Project Challenge: For Loop in Jinja
- Solution: For Loop in Jinja
- Project Challenge: Create Dynamic Route for Pet Details
- Solution: Create a Dynamic Route for Pet Details
- Project Challenge: Template Inheritance
- Solution: Template Inheritance
6. Form Handling
- Introduction to Forms and Requests
- Data Handling Using the Request Object
- Creating Forms using Flask-WTF and WTForms
- Rendering Flask-WTF forms in templates
- Form Validation and Data and Error Handling with Flask-WTF
- Project Challenge: Rendering a Sign-Up Form and Navbar
- Solution: Rendering a Sign-Up Form and Navbar
- Project Challenge: Sign-Up Form Data Handling
- Solution: Sign-Up Form Data Handling
- Project Challenge: Create a Login and Logout Mechanism
- Solution: Create a Login and Logout Mechanism
7. Database
- Database Connection using SQLAlchemy
- Getting Started with Models
- The One-to-Many Relationship
- The One-to-One Relationship
- The Many-to-Many Relationship
- Project Challenge: Create User and Pet Models
- Solution: Create User and Pet Models
- Project Challenge: Create a One-to-Many Relationship
- Solution: Create a One-to-Many Relationship
8. Operations on Models
- Insertion
- Retrieval
- Update & Delete
- Project Challenge: Inserting Users in Sign-Up
- Solution: Inserting Users into Sign-Up
- Project Challenge: Retrieving a User at Login
- Solution: Retrieving a User at Login
- Project Challenge: Inserting Pets
- Solution: Inserting Pets
- Project Challenge: Retrieving Pets from the Home and Details Page
- Solution: Retrieving Pets from the Home and Details Pages
- Project Challenge: Updating and Deleting Pets
- Solution: Updating and Deleting Pets