Developing Java applications in large enterprises is no easy task. Every day you are asked to work with many different technologies. In the morning, you might need to save data to a MySQL database. In the afternoon, you might be working with RabbitMQ. Tomorrow you might be asked to work with Mongo or Redis.
Docker is an exciting technology you can leverage for enterprise development. The popularity of Docker has been explosive. Much of the industry focus has been on DevOps. But more so on the Operations part. Docker is clearly a popular technology for running cloud scale applications like GMail.
This course starts off assuming you have no knowledge about Docker. You will learn why Docker is not like a Virtual Machine. You will learn how to run a Docker container with a Docker Image pulled down from Docker hub. You will learn how to create your own Docker images and publish those images to Docker hub.
Through the use of the Fabric8 Maven plugin, you will learn how to automate many Docker tasks, such as creating images for microservices. Docker Compose is a powerful tool to run multiple Docker containers. You will learn how to run how to run an application consisting of a Spring Boot web application, RabbitMQ, a page view microservice, and a MySQL database. Through Docker Compose, with a single command, you will be able to start or stop this application on any Docker machine.
You’ll learn how Docker Swarm Mode does container orchestration. In this course, you will provision your own Docker Swarm Cluster in the cloud. You will deploy a containerized Java application into a Docker Swarm Cluster. You’ll see what a powerful feature Docker Swarm’s routing mesh is, and how you can dynamically scale your application.