In this course, you will learn:
- How to install Docker on Windows, Linux, and Mac computers; use the platform when developing front-end, back-end, and full-stack projects; approach CI/CD with Docker; and explore other tools, including Kubernetes, the widely-used container orchestration engine.
- Introduction
- Leverage the power of Docker
- What you should know
1. Overview of Docker
- Docker concepts and use cases for developers
- Install Docker on a Mac
- Install Docker on Linux
- Install Docker on Windows
- Set up the base application
- Deploy your first Docker application
- Explore base commands
2. Develop with Docker
- Overview of backend and frontend architecture
- Practical backend with compose
- Finalize and test the backend setup
- Practical frontend setup
- Finalize and test the frontend setup
- Full stack setup: Put it all together
- Other language tips and tricks
3. CI and Deployment with Docker
- The CI and deployment use case for developers
- Continuous integration: Travis file
- Set up GitHub and Travis for CI
- Application deployment with Docker
- Application lifecycle with CI and Docker
4. Other Options
- Overview of Swarm
- Overview of Kubernetes