In this course, you will :
- Describe a database and how to model data.
- Compose SQL queries to insert, select, update, and delete data in a database.
- Understand Object Relational Model (ORM).
- Integrate Bootstrap into your Django template and build interactive web pages.
- Employ Django to develop database-powered applications.
- Create and deploy your Django app on the cloud.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction to Databases
- Introduction to Databases and Database Management Systems
- Relational Databases
- Relational Data Concepts
- Hands-on Lab: Entity-Relationship Data Modeling
- SELECT Statement
- Hands-on Lab: Simple SELECT Statements
- INSERT Statement
- UPDATE and DELETE Statements
- Hands-on Lab: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
- Basic SQL Statements Summary
2. ORM: Bridging the Gap between the Real World and Relational Model
- Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
- Django Model
- Hands-on Lab: Create a Django project in Theia
- Optional Lab: Create a Standalone Django ORM Project Template
- Django CRUD
- Hands-on Lab:CRUD on Django Model Objects
- Related Objects
- Hands-on Lab: Query Spanning Relationships
3. Full-stack Django Development
- Django Model-View-Template pattern
- Quiz: MVC and Django MVT pattern
- Create a Django app
- Hands-on Lab: Create your first Django App
- Django Admin Site
- Hands-on Lab: Django Admin
- Django Views
- Django Templates
- Hands-on Lab: Views and Templates
4. Consolidate and Deploy Your Django App
- Class-based and Generic Class Views
- Hands-on Lab: Class-based and Generic Views
- Django Authentication System
- Hands-on Lab: User Signup and Signin
- Bootstrap integration
- Hands-on Lab: Bootstrap Integration
- Manage Static Files
- Deploy your Django App on IBM Cloud
- Hands-on Lab: Deploy your Django app on IBM Cloud Foundry