In this course, you will learn :
1. Objectives of Dialectical Behavior Therapy ( dbt )
- Define interpersonal effectiveness
- Examine the goals of interpersonal effectiveness
- Identify barriers to interpersonal effectiveness
2. Definition and Goals of the dbt skill interpersonal effectiveness
- Interpersonal effectiveness is the ability to ask for what you want and need, and say no to unwanted requests
- By getting your needs met and being able to set boundaries you:
- Will feel more respected
- Reduce anger and resentment
- Reduce stress
- Free up energy to help you meet your goals
3. Goals of Interpersonal Effectiveness
- Get others to do things you want them to do
- Get others to take you seriously
- Effectively say no to unwanted requests
- Strengthen current relationships
- Find and build new relationships
- End hopeless relationships
4. Barriers
- Lack of effective communication skills
- Lack of clarity about what you want from others
- Difficulty balancing your needs and the other person’s needs
- Emotions get in the way
- You sacrifice long term goals for short term relief/urges
- Other people get in the way
- Other people are more powerful than you
- Need for external validation
- Beliefs that you don’t deserve what you want
5. Summary
- Interpersonal effectiveness is more than just communication skills
- It requires that you know what your wants and needs are
- Helps you effectively ask for those wants and needs
- Troubleshoot why you might not be getting your needs met
- Take action to improve the situation
- Develop healthy, sustainable (albeit not perfect) relationships.
- Identify ways to address the barriers to interpersonal effectiveness
6. Communication Skills DEAR MAN
- Describe in specific, objective terms
- Clean house
- Being supportive
- Dressed appropriately
- Irritable
- What terms do you often have disagreements about?
- Express feelings and opinions using “I” statements
- Describe a situation and notice and correct yourself each time you don’t use an “I” statement to express feelings and opinions.
7. Communication Skills DEAR MAN
- Assert
- Ask for what you want
- Don’t expect mind reading
- Reinforce by explaining the benefits to the other person ahead of time. (win/win)
- If I get/you do this, the benefit to you will be…
- Think about 3 occasions when you wanted someone to do something for you. How could you have made it a win/win?
8. Communication Skills DEAR MAN
- Mindfulness
- Stay focused on your goal
- Ignore diversion techniques-blaming, magnification, justification or switching topics
- Practice identifying and responding these techniques in movies/tv shows
- Blaming: 2 and 3
- Magnification: Highlight exceptions
- Justification: Highlight the consequences
- Switching Topics: Acknowledge you heard it and table it for later
9. Communication Skills DEAR MAN
- Appear confident in verbal and nonverbal behavior
- What is the difference between confidence and aggressiveness?
- Mentally rehearse what confidence looks like
- Find one or two people who have this quality and study them.
- Imagine them handling the situation
10. Communication Skills DEAR MAN
- Negotiate
- Offer and ask for other solutions
- Write it down if needed
- Give time for reflection
- Compromise
- How can both of you get the majority of your needs met?
- Say no, but offer alternatives
- Think about three situations when you said no (or wanted to) in the past. What alternatives could you have proposed?
11. Getting Clarity
- How important is…
- Getting what you want
- What, exactly, do you want, and how can the other person provide this.
- Feel better
- Fix it
- Know you will never leave
- Keeping the relationship
- Maintaining your self-respect