In this course, you will :
- Provides an overview of all the features in this popular framework to help you get started with Bootstrap 5.
- covers installation options and walks through the basic styles that normalise how your content is displayed across platforms and browsers, before delving into more advanced features like typography and flexbox layouts.
- Learn how to use layout components to build a full-featured website that is interactive with carousels, accordions, alerts, and tooltips.
- Learn how to create beautiful, usable forms that validate user input.
Syllabus :
1. Getting Started
- Installation options
- Installation
- Bootstrap Icons
- Reboot
2. Essential Classes
- Containers
- Colors
- Spacing
- Display
- Position
3. Using Elements
- Typography styles
- Typography elements
- Blockquotes and simple lists
- List groups
- Tables
- Images and figures
- Borders
4. Modifying Elements
- Box modifications
- Sizes and ratios
- Interactivity classes
5. Layouts with Columns and Flexbox
- Basic grid layout
- Rows
- Responsive columns
- Flexbox metrics
- Flexbox content
- Flexbox organization
6. Layout Components
- Buttons
- Navs
- Navbar
- Cards
- Pagination
- Progress
- Spinner
- Badges and breadcrumbs
7. Interactive Components
- Carousel
- Accordions
- Alerts
- Toasts
- Modal
- Collapse
- Dropdowns
- Tooltips
- Popovers
- Scrollspy
8. Forms
- Basic inputs
- Selects and range
- Floating labels
- Checks and radios
- Input groups
- Form validation