In this course, you will learn:
- General Principles of International Law
- International Public Law of Treaties
- Principles of Nuclear Law
1. International Law
- Concept and definition of International Law (IL). Public and private IL
- Sources of IL
- Subjects of IL
- IL in national legislation, incorporating techniques
- State responsibility in IL
- State responsibility under International Nuclear Law (INL)
2. General Principles of International Law
- No threat of use of force, peaceful settlement of international disputes, non-intervention in the internal affairs
- Co-operation with other states, equal rights and self-determination of peoples, sovereign equality of states
- Good faith fulfilment of international obligations, territorial integrity, inviolability of state borders, universal respect for human rights
3. International Public Law of Treaties
- Law of international treaties
- International commercial contracts
4. International Nuclear Law (INL)
- Concept, definition and objective of International Nuclear Law (INL).
- History of INL
- Drafting nuclear legislation
- Nuclear security and safety
- Binding international obligations
Week 5. Principles of Nuclear Law
- The safety principle, the security principle, the responsibility principle, the permission principle
- The continuous control principle, the compensation principle, the sustainable development principle, the compliance principle
- The independence principle, the transparency principle, the international co-operation principle